Our Eastside Location

(915) 592-2600

Our Westside Location

(915) 544-2225

11544 Vista Del Sol Dr, El Paso, TX 79936
Tel: (915) 592-2600

1700 N Oregon Ste 700, El Paso, TX 79902
Tel: (915) 544-2225

ADHD Evaluation

ADHD Evaluation in El Paso, TX 

ADHD is a condition that can negatively impact a person’s attention and behavior and can interfere with daily activities at school, at home, at work, or with friends. People who have ADHD have higher levels of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity than their peers. Our pediatricians at Children's Clinic of El Paso offers comprehensive ADHD evaluations in El Paso, TX.

What to Expect During Your Child's ADHD Evaluation

  • An initial meeting with you and your child: This step will help identify your child’s strengths and challenges. We will look at challenges in the three key areas of home, school, and social relationships. It’s important to talk about your child’s strengths, interests, and passions as well
  • Detailed health information: Your doctor will ask about any developmental milestones, allergies, appetite, sleep patterns, and previous medical problems
  • Checking how your child is doing in school: We will look at report cards and teacher evaluations
  • Making sure official criteria for diagnosis are met: People of different ages need to have a certain number of symptoms to get an ADHD diagnosis
  • A follow-up meeting: This is to go over the results and explore possible treatments. Your pediatrician might talk about changing family routines and getting support at school

The first step in treating ADHD in your child is getting a diagnosis from their pediatrician. Once a diagnosis is made, we develop a plan by making treatment recommendations and collaborating with other professionals and important adults in your child’s life. In most cases, ADHD is best treated with a combination of medication and behavior therapy, such as limiting the amount of daily screen time, developing healthy eating habits, and participating in physical activities. Following this treatment plan reduces your child’s symptoms.

For more information about ADHD evaluations in El Paso, TX, contact Children's Clinic of El Paso today. You can reach us in our Eastside office at (915) 592-2600 or our Westside office at (915) 544-2225 to schedule an appointment!

Children's Clinic of El Paso